Friday 25 March 2011

So this week...

This week just passed was pretty stressful to be honest :(.

I had a piece of assessment due for English, which was a simple dot point draft that I enjoyed planning (I'm desperate to get it back so I can start writing the feature article XD) and also my IPT essay was due (but because I handed it in like 1-2 weeks ago I was fine).

No, the real reason my week was not too enjoyable was because I was incredibly worried about whether or not I failed my exam for English. You see, after we all took the exam and the teacher had finished marking them, Miss sat us all down (OK well we were already seated, but you get what I mean) and point blankly told us that a third of us had failed. She looked directly at me then proceeded to say "Some of the people who failed I was really surprised at, because you did exceptionally well in English last year and I expected better". I had the 2nd best result in English last year across the grade so my reaction was something along the lines of, "OMG I'm having a heart attack D=". Also, because she told me that if it didn't fix my draft, it would fail :( so I was really worried. The exam required us to memorise a movie script that we wrote, then write it out in the exam - that's why I had a draft for it.

Anyway I ended up getting a B- for it, which was the 2nd highest mark in the class, and the 6th highest mark in the year (about 100 students), so I am pleased with that, especially since it was really hard.

On Tuesday, I have an appointment with my Deputy Principal about my IPT teacher. Basically, Mr St John is possibly the worst teacher you could ever come across. I'll put his (massive) flaws in dot points, because it's fun:

☻He hasn't taught us anything this year (I'm not exaggerating, he literally walks into the classroom, sits at his desk, and stays there for the entire lesson, not speaking to us once)
☻He is constantly changing assignments on us - he gave us a task at the start of term to design a game, then changed it to the writing task I just handed in, now he is telling us there will be a test in 2 weeks and we will be going back to the game after that. If there is a curriculum, he is not following it
☻about that test, last lesson he gave us a revision sheet to do - I went into my documents from last year and pulled up the exact same revision sheet with all the answers filled in. He isn't teaching us anything new
☻Grrrrr... He is frustrating, in that you ask him a question, and he steps around the answer. So pretty much he just wastes your time

So I'm going to the Deputy to see if we can get a different teacher, or if worst comes to worst, if I can just do the subject via distance education.

Sorry for the massive complaint blog post about my schooling... I'm letting off steam.. In reality the worst is over, and from here on out everything else I can handle.

Thanks, Multiverse for following =D

1 comment:

  1. Following is no problem, it´s my pleasure. ^_^

    Gah, I know the problem when a teacher sits for an entire lesson without saying anything. My Maths teacher is like that.
    He´s a bit more sensible than your teacher sounds, though. He used to give us all kinds of constructive things to do, but eventually he came to think of my class as ungrateful, and now he´s kind of given up on us. Otherwise he´s actually quite nice, so I can´t actually blame him.

    Anyway - it sounds as though you should just be relieved for getting a better grade than expected. ^_^
    ...though I don´t really understand grades. We don´t use them at my school.
