Thursday 24 March 2011

First Post

So yeah, I am writing my first post before I even set up my profile, blog etc.. XD

Not really quite sure what to say, to be honest. I am not even sure anyone will read this. But here it is.

I probably am not going to have very many blog entries, so sorry in advance for that :)

I am 16, in grade 12 and honestly bored of living in Australia. I would like to go back to Germany and live there for a bit.

Oh yeah, to explain that statement, I am Australian; I was born and mostly raised here, but when I was 10, my father was offered a promotion; to help on a massive engineering feat in Germany. Hanover to be exact, which is where I proceeded to live for the next 3 years. I learnt German very fast (I couldn't believe how similar it was to English at first) and so I now speak fluent German and English (I am also proficient in Japanese but that is another story, for another entry XD).

Until quite recently, I was stressing out over what I would do when I finished school. Initially I wanted to do a bachelor in Information Technology but then I started having second thoughts. Just for the record, I am quite good at IT as I;

☻published my first website in grade 6 (it was about dolphins, for extra credit on a school assignment - I am quite competitive and wanted to get the best grade in the class =D)
☻designed my first game in grade 9 (I used the program Game Maker, so I wasn't exactly using coding)
☻then proceeded to actually code my first game in Grade 10 (using Visual Basic - ugh, I know, but my IT teacher insists on teaching us only this language, if you can even call it teaching - again I'll explain in more depth later)
☻taught myself C++ last year (with the help of my father and forums)
☻and I am head of the IT department for an online Australian business, despite my age =D
☻I've also done a certificate I, II and IV in IT

Back on subject, I started doubting this course because I want to have fun in life. Simple and exact, I don't want to lead a boring life, where I am just another statistic that finished high school, went to uni, got a degree and proceeded to get a 100-150K job with a husband and kids. That is not my style. I also cringe from the idea of having one qualification/occupation for an entire lifetime.

My solution? I'm going to do a hair dressing apprenticeship, then go back over to Germany and live there for a year, then go over to England and live there for a year (while working as a hair dresser). Perhaps after that, I will go to university in either Melbourne, Hobart or New Zealand and do my degree in IT.

OK I think I've bored you enough, I'll stop here =D. I will try to post again as soon as I can be bothered, promise!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hyun! Nice to see you´ve got a blog, too. ^_^

    So, now you´ve got a follower as well. ;)
