Saturday 14 April 2012

Updating after an entire year D:

Just a quick update (probably my only update for this side of the year, but here it is anyway).

I'm only back on here because of fairy. Other than that, it's business as usual over at AFC. But hey, if you're open-minded and don't mind a slight yaoi fic, here's the link to my latest story:

It's called All I need, and this is the official summary:
"After Alex get's back from a mission, Tom gives him an insight into how hard it is to wait patiently and trust that the young spy will return home. Mild slash, don't like? GTFO. One shot, though I might turn this into a tom/alex dump file. R&R"

Anyway, I have full intentions of uploading more stories (recently, I took about 3 or 4 stories down from, and intend to fix them up before re-posting... Because I swear, I have OCD or something).

Anyway, that's all for now :) Bye :)


  1. It would mean the world to me if you did :)

    Oh, I also uploaded a new story, for teen titans XD there is a link for that story in my AFC journal :)
